A Message from Richard Clothier - COVID-19
To allour customers, suppliers and friends,
Asyou know, we are all living through unusual and difficult times. COVID-19’simpact on global health and the economy is being felt everywhere. I wanted totake this opportunity to inform you of what we are doing at Wyke Farms tomanage the impact closer to home and reassure that the wellbeing and safety ofour team, suppliers and customers is our number one priority.
It is incredibly important that we maintain food production anddeliveries. The Wyke team and our farmer suppliers are a critical part of that.So wherever possible we will aim to operate ‘business as usual’ whilstaccepting that this is not business as usual and we are adapting to operate thebest service that we can under difficult circumstances.
We understand that there has been some stockpiling of food that has ledto some shortages within stores, however, people can be reassured that the teamhere are putting extra production shifts on to meet this temporary increase indemand and we will keep delivering cheese and butter to customers across thecountry.
To this end, whilst following Public Health England guidelines toprotect our staff, there is no change to our normal day to day operations.
Please note the following: -
- All the usual methods of contact apply, and our offices will be manned from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
- Our hygiene systems have been bolstered to reduce transmission
- Where possible, staff will work from home, on mobiles and using Microsoft Teams.
- We have identified vulnerable work groups within our teams and taken special provision for them.
- There will be no unneccessary visitors to any of our sites.
- Meetings will continue to take place by conference/video call only.
- If you have any concerns or would like to speak to a member of the team, please call us on 01749 812424 or email us: info@wykefarms.com
Wewill continue to monitor the situation closely and adapt our contingencyplanning accordingly, with any changes communicated as soon as possible.
Iwould like to thank you all for the continued support that we are receiving inthese difficult times and send positive thoughts to everyone who is being affected.
Ourmotto is ‘keep calm, keep eating cheese’