From ten cows to a thriving team: gratitude, growth & dedication to dairy

Just recently I was lucky enough to receive an award for a lifetime of service to the Somerset Dairy Industry. This award was presented by the Chairman of the ‘Royal Bath & West Dairy Show Society’. It’s always a great honour to be the recipient of something like this as it is so easy to work away at something for many years without really realising that your work maybe benefiting others.
It's clear to me that the reason Wyke Farms has been successful goes far beyond myself and even myself and the immediate family. We now have an excellent team of over three hundred staff who work so hard to carry the business forward and maintain the standards which my mother and father Ivy and Tom Clothier set all those years ago.
I have always maintained and followed the old saying that 'team work makes the dream work’, and have derived great pleasure from building a team of very capable people who can work hard and carry the business forward to achieve things that would be impossible for a smaller business to handle.
We now have a wonderful balance of family members, extending into the fourth generation and homegrown staff who have been with us for many, many years, also staff who have joined us from other successful businesses and brought in their skills to add to ours.
All of this combined makes a wonderful mix of experience and effort which will carry the business forward, hopefully for many more years to come.
I often wonder what my Mum, Dad and the little team who started with the milk from Dad’s first ten cows would think if they could pop in for a moment one day, I do hope that they would approve!