I think I’ve said it before, but ‘Old Timers’ used to say that March dust was worth a guinea an ounce, well had we had any this Spring its value would have been far higher as we have suffered from the wettest Autumn and Winter in living memory.

This has now become very serious for the farming industry as all of last autumn’s work and most early spring preparations have been impossible whilst we just watch and wait.

As the winter has been so mild there is more grass growth but this is no use for feeding as the land is waterlogged and we cannot consider allowing any grazing cattle to feed it. Usually in early March some of the Spring-calving herds can be turned out to graze on the driest land but that didn’t happen this year.

Even arable farmers who can normally tend the winter crops and start planting the spring varieties have found any field work impossible so far this year.

Last week we were lucky enough to spend a week in the Canary Islands and they told us they haven’t had any useful rain for over a year, if only we could send them some of ours!My parents Tom and Ivy always told me that there is no use fretting too much over things that we can’t change, much better to concentrate on improving something that can help us in the future, and on that subject good progress is being made with the improvements in both the Cheese and Butter plants and we are well on course with preparations for our busiest time of the year in both of those areas.

Also I am very excited that Ivy’s Reserve Somerset Red is approaching readiness for its International launch (sounds very grand doesn’t it!) I am so pleased that this great product will now be available to many more Wyke Cheese lovers both here and abroad.It really is a great addition to the Wyke Farms family of cheeses and I am sure you will all love it!

Till next time best wishes to you all, and I promise not to mention the weather next time we chat!


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