We won! Best British Cheddar!

On Friday 7th May we held our breath as the judges at The Virtual Cheese Awards deliberated over a variety of cheddars. Needless to say, the competition was strong, as the home of Cheddar - Britain boasts the best selection in the world. Watching cheese be judged is a mix between appreciating the attention to detail (the main criteria; appearance, body, flavour and colour) & feeling very hungry wondering whether you have any crackers and chutney around. Very happily for us, the judges decided that our Ivy's Vintage Reserve Cheddar was the best in class. This win is a testament to the hardwork of the whole Wyke team, from farmers who supply the best milk all the way through to Master Cheese Grader, Diane who carefully watches over our cheddar as it matures. Of course, none of it would have been possible without the work of Grandmother Ivy, who painstakingly perfected the recipe that we use, unchanged, to this day. We will be continuing our celebrations for long while to come!